Please get in touch and share your ideas!


Since Louise de Forest was invited to provide some initial mentor training at Samford Valley Steiner School in 2017, and again the following year at Glenaeon Steiner School prior to the Vital Years conference, much has happened to hinder our continued training.  The SECA committee is interested to provide further training and support for mentors. Is this something you would be interested in? Do you have suggestions in this regard?

Mentoring Colleagues

If you are aware of other experienced colleagues who haven’t been involved with the initial training but are interested joining the SECA mentoring group, and/or are providing mentoring to other colleagues, please let them know that they are welcome. Expressions of interest, including a work history in Steiner early childhood education, can be sent by email to Heather van Zyl.

Mentor contact details

A list of SECA-endorsed mentors is listed on the website here. Individuals and organisations who are looking for a mentor can contact a mentor by email directly, or contact the SECA mentoring coordinator Heather van Zyl about mentors in their region.

Financial arrangements are made directly between the mentor and the individual member or organisation.

Website Support for Mentors

The Resources For Download section of the website has a dedicated folder for sharing useful documents and articles with fellow mentors, and can be found here. Please note that Mentor's Resources are available to mentors only. If you want to add to the collection, please send your contributions as a pdf document, attached to an email to Heather van Zyl with information about how your document is used, or the source of your article etc.

The Mentors Forum has two topics dedicated to mentoring: Mentors Conversation and Ask A Mentor a Question. 

I look forward to hearing from you and enlivening our work to support our early childhood colleagues around Australia.


Direct all email enquiries to Heather van Zyl

Click HERE for email enquiries